## version ## language ## codeset 0 ; Catalog descriptor file for AmiFTP ; Copyright (C) 1995 by Magnus Lilja, All Rights Reserved. ; e-mail: lilja@lysator.liu.se ; Some notes for translators: ; In order to create a hotkey to activate a gadget insert ; a _ in the string before the character that should be ; the hotkey. ('Te_st' would result in 's' being the hotkey ; for that particular gadget). ; Note that menu shortcuts are defined differently: ; A correct menu entry for 'Quit' with Amiga-Q as the ; shortcut should look like this: ; Q\000Quit ; SiteList window SLW_SiteListWindow ;AmiFTP Sitelist SLW_SiteList ;FTP Sites SLW_Connect ;_Connect SLW_New ;_New SLW_Edit ;_Edit SLW_Remove ;_Remove SLW_Cancel ;C_ancel SLW_OK SLW_Up SLW_Down ;Down SLW_Top SLW_Bottom ;Bottom SLW_Newstring ;(New) ; SiteConfiguration Window SCW_SiteConfigurationWindow ;AmiFTP Site Configuration SCW_Name ;Na_me SCW_Site ;_Site SCW_Port ;_Port SCW_RemDir ;_Auto-cd to directory SCW_LocDir ;_Download path SCW_Anonymous ;A_nonymous login? SCW_LoginName ;_Login name SCW_Password ;Pass_word SCW_OK SCW_Cancel ;Ca_ncel SCW_OS ;Operating S_ystem SCW_Proxy ;Pro_xy SCW_HotList ;_HotList ; Transfer window TW_WinTitle ;AmiFTP Transfer window TW_RemoteFile ;Remote file TW_LocalFile ;Local file TW_Size ;Size TW_Cps TW_DataTransferred ;Data transferred TW_Abort ;Abort transfer TW_FileExists ;File '%s' already exists.\nOld filesize is: %ld bytes (new %ld bytes).\n TW_Overwrite ;Overwrite TW_Resume ;Resume transfer TW_CancelTransfer ;Cancel transfer TW_DownloadDir ;You are about to download a directory tree.\nAre you sure you want to do this? TW_GetDir ;Yes, download it!|Skip this entry ; Main preferences window MPW_WinTitle ;AmiFTP Global Preferences MPW_Password ;_Anonymous password MPW_ViewCommand ;_View command MPW_ShowDots ;Show _dot-files? MPW_ProxyHost ;Proxy _host MPW_ProxyPort ;Proxy _port MPW_ProxyDefault ;Use pro_xy per default? MPW_DefDownloadDir ;Default download directory MPW_IgnoreCase ;_Ignore case? ; Main window MW_SiteName ;Current _site: MW_DirName ;D_irectory MW_DownloadDir ;D_ownload path MW_Parent ;_Parent MW_Get ;_Get MW_Put ;P_ut MW_View ;_View MW_Connect ;_Connect to... MW_Disconnect ;_Disconnect MW_DeleteRequest ;Are you sure you want to\ndelete these files? MW_DeleteCancel ;Delete|Cancel ; Connect window CW_WinTitle ;AmiFTP Connect window CW_Abort ;Abort CW_Site ;Site: CW_Status ;Status: CW_Connecting ;Connecting... CW_ReadingDir ;Reading directory... ; Main menus MENU_Project ;Project MENU_Reconnect ;Reconnect MENU_Iconify ;I\000Iconify MENU_About ;?\000About MENU_Quit ;Q\000Quit MENU_Files ;Files MENU_TagAll ;A\000Tag all MENU_UntagAll ;U\000Untag all MENU_TransferMode ;Transfer mode MENU_Binary ;Binary MENU_ASCII ;ASCII MENU_ClearCache ;Clear dir-cache MENU_Delete ;D\000Delete MENU_Move ;M\000Move MENU_Sort ;Sort MENU_SortbyName ;by name MENU_SortbyDate ;by date MENU_Settings ;Settings MENU_Global ;1\000Global... MENU_Hostlist ;2\000Hostlist... MENU_LoadSettings ;Load settings... MENU_SaveSettings ;Save settings MENU_SaveSettingsAs ;Save settings as... MENU_HotList ;Hotlist ; Other strings Str_ErrorReadingDir ;Error reading dir\n Str_CannotDLDirs ;Cannot download entire directories!\n Str_SelectDLPath ;Select download path Str_SelectULFiles ;Select file(s) to upload Str_CDFailedTimedout ;Remote CD failed:\nConnection timed out Str_CDFailed ;Remote CD failed. Str_AmiFTPError ;AmiFTP error Str_OK Str_CANCEL ;Cancel Str_PasswordRequest ;AmiFTP Password request Str_PasswordEntry ;Enter password for user:\n%s Str_ServiceNotAvail ;Service not available. Str_ConnectFailed ;Connect failed. Str_ConnectLoginFailed ;Connect failed, login unknown. Str_Putfailed ;Put of %s failed Str_RemoteWriteFailed ;Write failed (remote file system full?). Str_GetFailed ;Get %s failed. Str_LocalfileError ;Error opening %s. Str_LocalWriteFailed ;Write failed: %s Str_NoSuchDir ;%s: No such file or directory. Str_DisconnectedTimeout ;Disconnected (timeout). Str_Outofmem ;Out of memory Str_SelectSettingsFile ;Select settings file... Str_NoRestart ;Resume command failed. Str_ConnectionTimedOut ;Connection timed out Str_AmiFTPRequest ;AmiFTP Request Str_AboutAmiFTP ;About AmiFTP... Str_UnknownHost ;Unknown host Str_ErrorBuildingDirList ;Error building filelist. Str_Translator ; This string will show up in the about window telling the user who made ; the translation. I suggest the string should look like this: ; 'English translation by\nMagnus Lilja\n' (and perhaps your emailaddress ; too). Ofcourse the above string should be in the same language as ; the rest of the translation. MENU_AddToSiteList ;Add current to sitelist MENU_LogWindow ;Log window? MW_Reload ;_Reload SLW_Sort ;_Sort CW_SendingLogin ;Sending login... CW_SendingPassword ;Sending password... CW_ChangingDirectory ;Changing directory...